2015年1月31日 星期六

ANL Fuse Holder keep your installation safe and protect your wiring

ANL Fuse Holder keep your installation safe and protect your wiring

ANL Fuse Holder keep your installation safe and protect your wiring
ANL Fuseholders are ideal for protecting today’s demanding onboard power electronics technology like Dual Battery System, Audio Amplifier, Inverters and Battery Chargers. They also protect wiring from short circuits, for example as a main fuse to protect house circuits, protection for digital switching main feed circuits, or heavy duty loads.
1. Choose mounting location in dry, interior location
2. Screw the fuseholder into chosen location
3. Plain washers must be used on top of fuses
4. Ensure that spring washers are in place beneath cable retaining nuts
5. Recommended torques: • 8mm (5/16”) studs: 12.5 Nm (9.2 lbf) • 10mm (3/8”) studs: 21.5 Nm (15.9 lbf)
6. Ensure that cables are securely fastened and strain relieved as per ABYC/ISO or other applicable standards

2015年1月24日 星期六

Choosing Dual Battery System

Voltage Sensitive Relay
Dual Battery System is the addition of Auxiliary Battery to operate appliances when there are no main power access, so the starter battery will not be drained.
Dual Battery System is used to run lights, TV’s, Laptops, DVD’s, pumps, fridges, winches, and charge camera batteries and mobile phones. Many of the existing methods used to charge these batteries are now antiquated, and they mostly never did the job very well anyway, neither were they conducive to long battery life.
EITHER a Voltage Sensitive Relay OR a Smart Battery Isolator could be used to isolate the Starter Battery from the Auxiliary Battery, so that during engine startup, the relay will close the circuit to charge both of the batteries and when you shut off the engine, the circuit remain close until the starter battery fall below 12.8V.
Voltage Sensitive Relay advantages:
Waterproof enclosure, some water is not going to stop the VSR from working.
The VSR is rated at 140Amps constant duty.
Surge Protection so it won’t upset the delicate electronics on newer vehicles.
When the VSR is engaged (closed, linking the batteries together) a red LED comes on the top of the VSR .
This VSR consumes no power at all while it is not engaged, i.e. the voltage of both batteries has dropped below 12.8V, and then it consumes only 0.25A when it is engaged.
There are both Single Sense Version and Dual Sense Version, what this means is that if you have a battery charger, or solar power connected to your auxiliary battery, and that battery gets charged enough to hit the VSR set points, then it will allow your charging source to back charge the cranking battery as well, making sure that it’s kept fully charged too, but again, if the voltage drops below 12.8 volts, the VSR will again disconnect (isolate) the batteries.
Wiring Tips
Use 6 B&S (13.5mm²) cable for linking batteries, larger is even better, but could be over-kill on some smaller set-ups.

Safety Tip

Use 100A ANL fuses, these are purely to protect the cable. At least install two (or more) of them, one at each battery or battery set, because each battery will be connected to the same cable.
Do not install the ANL fuses until the last thing, when you have completely finished all the cable runs and tightened up all other connections first.
Connect the Earth return directly to battery instead of chassis.